The reverse side of Paraguay’s flag displays the nation’s motto, “Peace and Justice.”

Justice is the one of the fundamental elements of democracy. For democracy to be effective, governments must promote justice and equality. If citizens believe that a country’s laws, institutions, and public officials are fair and just, they are more likely to trust the government. People are also more likely to obey laws and support their leaders. The importance of justice is often highlighted in the constitutions and founding documents of nations. It also appears in national mottos and the pledges of countries. For instance, the motto of Paraguay is “Peace and Justice,” while the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance ends with the phrase “liberty and justice for all.” The idea of justice is at the heart of any nation’s legal system. The laws, courts, and the police, which make up a legal system, all have a role to play in promoting justice. People expect that if someone commits a crime, the legal or justice system will impose the appropriate punishment. Yet people also expect that victims of crime should be compensated. Laws need to be just and be administered justly, or people will lose faith in the legal system.


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