Science and Entertainment
and other objects. According to one CGI physicist, water is one of the hardest to depict realistically, since its surface geometry is always shifting. Physics-based CGI is less expensive than live-action filming and is safer for casts and crews—especially when scenes call for high-risk stunts or settings. The physics of film doesn’t just end in production; it carries on to you, the viewer, in experiences like 3Dmovies.The technology behind 3D screening dates to the 19th century, when English scientist Sir CharlesWheatstone demonstrated howhumans see in three dimensions by “fusing” together images taken in by each eye separately.This is referred to as stereoscopic vision.Three- dimensional films build on this process by recording images with
A digital drawing pad like this one is used by many computer graphics artists. The stylus transfers the lines the artist makes into digital files that can be manipulated on screen.
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