Still, it is in the world of crime where forensics has captured the public’s imagination. A drop of blood, a bit of skin, or a carpet fiber that shouldn’t be where it is, can send a person to jail—or to the death chamber.
Text-Dependent Questions 1. What is high-definition surveying, and how is it used?
2. Who is considered the Father of Forensic Science?
3. Name three ways forensic science is used today.
Research Project Rent, download, or just watch any movie or TV show related to crime scene investigations, including movies such as The Bone Collector or Murder by Numbers . You can also read a detective novel.As you watch and read, answer these questions on a sep- arate sheet of paper:
1. How was the crime scene protected?
2.What type of forensic evidence did investigators collect?
3.What methods did investigators use to tie the evidence to the crime scene?
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