Science and Energy
Words to Understand electromagnetic magnetic energy such as light waves, X-rays, radio waves, and ultraviolet radiation fuselage the body of an airplane ordnance military supplies, including weapons and ammunition tyrannical describes the actions of a dictatorial ruler
N othing can be more alarming to soldiers in battle than an enemy they cannot see. So it was in the skies over war-torn Yugoslavia when two bat-winged airplanes seemingly appeared out of nowhere.The planes’ mission was to drop satellite-guided bombs onSerbian forceswagingwar against the people of Kosovo. These weren’t ordinary warplanes. They were American-made B-2 Stealth bombers. Flying out of Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, these super-secret planes looked like an alien space- craft. Sleek, black, and nearly silent, the planes were designed by engineers and scientists to be invisible to enemy radar. The
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