Native American Cultures
The Northeast
T he Northeast extends from the Atlantic to and around the Great Lakes. The land is variable and so is the climate. There are stretches of rocky coastline, as well as fertile meadows, and rivers and streams spring from the Appalachian Mountains. The many nations in this area had much in common. They were hunters and farmers, as well as being excellent warriors. The Iroquois The Iroquois nations evolved around 1300 ce . They were the most able warriors of the region and often fought among themselves and against the Algonquian-speaking nations. Under the guidance of the famous Mohawk chief Hiawatha, five Iroquoian nations, the Onondaga, Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, and Cayuga, formed the League of Five Nations around 1560. This league encouraged peace among the Iroquois and created a united force against their enemies, such as the Huron nation. Shared problems and issues were discussed and dealt with by the Great Council, a group of 50 officials from each nation. What was unique about the League of Five Nations was that women held great power. They oversaw all the activities of the Great Council and chose those who were to enter the council, although the men made the final decisions.
A Native American village camped on the edge of the Lake Huron, painted by Paul Kane in the 19th century. The nations in the northeast traveled the lakes in canoes.
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