Most of the early settlers in Sydney were British or Irish.
By the end of World War II, these two groups still formed about 95 per cent of the population. But the immigration policy introduced by the government after the war has transformed Sydney into a truly multicultural city. New arrivals The first postwar immigrants to arrive were from Europe, especially Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Members of each nationality stayed together and set up communities. Many Greeks, for example, settled in the suburb of Marrickville.
Football fans in the suburb of Leichhardt show their support for the Italian team in the 2014 World Cup of soccer.
Different peoples At first, the national government encouraged only white Europeans to come to Australia, but in the 1960s Asian people began to arrive. In 1976 many Lebanese people came to Sydney, escaping from civil war at home. Refugees from war in Vietnam and Cambodia soon followed. In the 1990s, large numbers of Hong Kong Chinese also arrived. In the 2010s, the largest numbers of immigrants come from India, China, New Zealand, and the UK.
This ornate gateway marks the entrance to Dixon Street, an area in the Chinatown district of Sydney.
Major World Cities
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