Away from Home • If you carry a purse, do not let it swing loose on your arm. The safest way to carry it is to put the strap over your head to rest on your shoulder with the strap across your chest and the purse held securely under the opposite arm. • Pickpockets prefer people who carry their wallets in their back pockets (“the sucker pocket,” as they call it) or in their breast pockets. Keep your wallet in your front pants pocket. • Do not advertise the whereabouts of your property and money. By taking it out of your pocket or purse more than necessary, you are making it easier for a thief. And do not pat your pocket to make sure your wallet is still there; that just alerts the would-be thief as to what pocket it is in. • Try to avoid high-crime areas when you are alone.

Shoulder bags are favorite targets. Here, the bag is an anti-theft bag part of a street-safe collection. When a thief pulls hard, the strap detaches and triggers an alarm.



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