1 RISING TEMPERatures “I don’t know why I had to come to this camp,” Enzo grumbled to himself as he followed the other campers down the path toward the meeting hall. “I didn’t want to come. Mom and dad made me do this.” He was still in a foul mood when the camp director divided the campers into groups and assigned them a counselor. Enzo’s group was assigned to Joaquin. Joaquin was enthusiastic and ready to start the day. “Okay, everyone, here is our first task,” said the dark-haired young man. “Here at Enviro- Camp, we are lucky. We get to experience nature and the environment first hand. How often do you get to spend two weeks in the Rocky Mountains?” Enzo snorted. A girl standing next to him elbowed him in the ribs. “Shh!” she said. “I’m look- ing forward to this!” Joaquin continued, “For our first experience, we are going for a walk. Later we will come back here, look at some maps, and do some experiments. Okay, let’s go.” He took off at a brisk pace out of the campsite.
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