1 training table 101 B uck and Gordo staked out a table at the food court. It was lunchtime and they were pre- paring to dig into massive meals. With the table secured, they eyed the choices. All around them was a buffet of burgers, pizza, fries, Chinese food, sandwiches, and more. Gordo took a careful look around and then made a beeline for the hamburger stand. “Double-double with cheese, plus fries animal-style, please,” Gordo said gleefully. Animal- style meant adding chili and cheese to the fries. “Dude, you’re going to choke on that,” said Buck. “And you’ve got a game later today. What are you thinking?” Gordo eyed his friend, who was not a stud high school football player like he was. “Buck, I gotta feed the machine, you know. This all-star body needs a lot of calories to keep the engine running.”
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