react. In other situations, however, would-be kill- ers give a warning, whether they mean to or not. From the days of assassination attempts that killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James Garfield in 1881, William McKinley in 1901, and John F. Kennedy in 1963 to now, there have always been attacks that require the Secret Service to step in. The threats against the president are still real, and they can still come from anywhere. Now, though, it can be tough to figure out what people really mean when they write online. Threats against the president used to be just badly written letters. Today, the Washington Post reports that more than 60 percent of all threats against the president are made online. Emails, social me- dia, and other formats give would-be attackers a way to make more threats. The Secret Service has even started looking at computer software that can help to scan social media posts and emails to detect whether someone is joking or not. Whether received online or through the mail, all threats are taken seriously by the Secret Service.
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