In this case, Manning and Davis had to pre- tend not to care about the animals, which they found hard to do. To get close to the “dogmen,” Davis and Manning would have to participate in a ghastly world that few people knew existed. Initiation Although the case would be tough to crack, their boss gave his okay. Manning and Davis decided the best plan was to lure the dogmen of southeast Texas to a rented warehouse on Houston’s east side. They called the joint the Dog House. There, hidden cameras and microphones would video- tape and record those involved in the dogfights. Davis and Manning first needed to see what they were getting into. To that end, the informant brought them to their first dogfight. The men came away from the fight shaken and sick. They had seen their share of murder victims, but this was different. This was horrific. They walked away from the fight with blood on their boots. “What have we gotten ourselves into?” Manning thought.


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