Chapter one
An Overview of the UN Role in International Law
What happens when nations disagree with each other? Whose laws do they follow, and who decides the outcome? International law deals with these and other kinds of questions concerning inter- national issues. The United Nations has always been involved with international law, ever since its creation in 1945 after the end of the WorldWar II.The UN’s main goals are to prevent war and to help the peoples of the world live better,more fulfilling lives.Through the treaties and conventions of international law, the United Nations works to accomplish these goals. appeal : a formal request to a higher authority requesting a change of a decision. breach : a failure to obey. sanction : a punishment imposed as a result of breaking a rule or law. veto : the power of one country or branch of government to reject the legislation of another. Wo r d s t o U n d e r s ta n d
Chapter One
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