The first “real” civilization to emerge from the Huang He was the Longshan. The Longshan were the first to build large cities and to organize large-scale public works projects. From about 3000 to 2000 bce , the Longshan built roads for travel and walls around their cities for protection. In order to complete such enormous tasks, the Longshan developed a complex social system that divided people along class lines. THE LEGEND OF SILK Evidence suggests that weaving fabric from the thread of silkworm cocoons was practiced in China around 2600 bce . And while the exact origins of silk-making technique are shrouded in mystery, it is clear that the skill was first developed in China. Silk weavers would soon perfect this craft and Chinese silk would one day be the envy of the Western world. By 1766 bce the first Chinese dynasty, the Shang, emerged in the north. Although the Shang were fierce warriors, they developed a highly sophisticated culture and a complex religion in which they worshipped many gods, includ- ing a supreme being they called Shang Di. At first, only the spirits of the king’s ancestors could communicate with the Shang gods. Over time, however, oth- ers participated in religious rituals. The Zhou people replaced the Shang and created a vibrant civilization along the Wei River. After conquering Shang armies, the Zhou thrived as a society of
writers, teachers, and philoso- phers, the greatest of whom was named Confucius. Born around 551 bce , Con- fucius came of age while China was in the midst of widespread change. Before Confucius grew to be a philosopher, a person’s role in life was predetermined by their lineage. In other words, if your parents were farmers, you would be a farmer, too.
The Zhongshan Iron Bridge over the Yellow River in Lanzhou, China. Today as in ancient times, the river is the center of human activity.
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