INTRODUCTION A s an island group situated on the western margin of the Pacific Ocean, Japan is quite literally a place apart. Though its urban centers are some of the fastest-paced, most technologically connected areas on the planet, Japanese culture values patience, serenity, and a sense of balance in all things. These virtues are apparent in the day-to-day activities of the people as much as in artistic or religious forms of expression. Something as simple as brewing a pot of tea or preparing a meal can become an aesthetic experience. Japan’s history of the samurai warrior and the code of honor have helped instill a sense of duty to one’s country. This carries beyond political and dip- lomatic life and influences family dynamics. Faithfulness to one’s elders is an important quality. There are also many unwritten rules that help guide social interactions outside of the family. This rootedness in age-old traditions coupled with an ability to think in new and innovative ways is what makes Japan such a respected presence throughout the world. The physical landscape of Japan also shapes its national character. The rhythm of the sea, the changeless faces of its mountains, and the yearly cycles of its trees all foster a harmonious atmosphere.
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