East South-Central States: Kentucky, Tennessee

Words to Understand in This Chapter

abolitionist— a person who wanted to abolish, or get rid of, slavery. alliance— a formal agreement between two governments to support each other. auditor— an unbiased person who examines the financial health of an organization. artifact— an object such as a tool, weapon, or pottery made by people in the past. Commonwealth— meaning “for the common good,” in the United States it is the same as a state. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky all identify themselves as commonwealths. electoral votes— Although the people vote in a popular election for the president, the president is officially elected by electoral votes. Each state has the number of votes equal to the total of its US senators and representatives. median— middle. neutral— not supporting one side of a disagreement or the other. nursery plants— plants usually started in greenhouses and sold to landscapers and gardeners. pelts— animal skins with the fur still attached. poverty level— the level of income below which a person or family is declared poor by government standards. secede— to withdraw; specifically for a state to leave the United States. segregated— separated by race. Thoroughbred— a breed of horses mainly used for racing that can trace their heritage back to horses developed in England in the 1600s. veto— a decision by an individual in power not to allow something such as a governor not allowing a measure passed by the legislature to become law. yearling— a Thoroughbred racehorse that is one year old.

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