Southwest: New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Colorado and cuts through New Mexico before winding into Texas, where it forms the border between the United States and Mexico. It is the largest river in the state, and the fourth-longest river in North America. The Chihuahuan Desert, the third- largest desert in the western hemi- sphere, covers much of central and southern New Mexico. Las Cruces
to the east, while Arizona borders New Mexico to the west. New Mexico is the fifth-largest state in land size, but has the least sur- face water. Elephant Butte Lake is the state’s largest lake, created by damming the Rio Grande River. More than a million people visit this reser- voir each year for water recreation. The Rio Grande River starts in
Words to Understand in This Chapter
archaeologist— a person who studies bones, tools, and other items created by humans in the long-ago past. civilization— a well-organized, developed human society. commissioners— high-ranking members of a government organization who are assigned certain jobs. conquistadors— Spanish soldiers who explored North and South America, seeking treasure and conquering the native people they encountered. decimate— to destroy or kill a large number of people. irrigate— to supply land or crops with water through man-made means. landlocked— enclosed by land. negotiate— to agree to something through discussion and consensus. petition— a written document that many people sign to show that they want a person or organization to do or change something. petroglyphs— rocks with carvings, drawings, or writing on them.
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