I t now has the nickname isla de encanto (island of enchant- ment) and the official name of Puerto Rico but this island that is located midway between North and South America has had several names over the centuries, including Borinquen and San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist). Geography Puerto Rico is the visible part of an underwater mountain that was once a volcano. Puerto Rico has many mountains and hills that contribute toward its varied landscape which ranges from tropical rain forest in the interior to dry land on the southern coast. The island also has more than a dozen artificial lakes that were created during the 20th century. The dry season in Puerto Rico is from December to April while the wet season extends from May to November. At times, parts of the island are flooded during the wet season. Puerto Rico is also vulnerable to hurricanes. When European explorers arrived, the island was heavily forested but much of the forest has been cut down over the cen- turies. While Spain controlled the island, the Spanish govern- Puerto Rico
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