Jewels of the Ocean
island from the center to the south. Dominica has many deep and narrow river valleys, spectacular waterfalls, and four cold freshwater lakes. The island is also home to Boiling Lake, the second-largest ther- mally active lake in the entire world. With its large supply of water, replen- ished by the abundant rainfall of the Caribbean climate, Dominica has an incredible amount of vegetation. In fact, well over half of the island is cov- ered in plants, trees, and flowers. It is a lush, rich island with extensive forests and an incredible natural park system. The largest of the Windward Islands is Martinique, “the Pearl of the Antilles.” Martinique is a highly developed island with a uniquely French flavor. Like Dominica, it is a lush, green island with rain forests, tropical plants, and trees. Tourists enjoy Martinique’s simple beauty, but they also appreciate its modern hotels and restaurants. The mountains are
Grand Etang Forest Reserve and National Park protects a large tract of virgin rain forest in Grenada.
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