through the middle of the country and toward the ocean. The land in this area is made up of a mixture of sandy soil and clay, and it is home to most of the country’s forest and mineral resources. Despite being a great source of wealth, the rain for- est is still largely unsettled. The peo- ple who do live in this region are typically part of a lumber or mining camp. The western portion of this
The white-faced Saki monkey lives in the rainforest of Guyana.
region is made up of the Pakaraima Mountains. This range includes the high- est peak in Guyana, Mount Roraima, which reaches 9,219 feet (2,812 meters). The Potaro River runs east from this mountain range and includes the pic- turesque Kaieteur Falls, located in Kaieteur National Park. The coastal plain is a narrow strip of land closest to the Atlantic Ocean, along the country’s northern border. While this area measures just 10 to 40 miles (16 to 65 km) wide and makes up only about 7 percent of the landmass of the country, it is home to more than 90 percent of Guyana’s population. In addition to having the capital city of Georgetown, this region also supports most of the agricultural industry in Guyana, including all of its sugar opera- tions. Erosion of the coastline is a major concern, however, as the springtime pounding from the tide has caused some areas nearest the sea to fall below sea level. The Guyanese people’s only means of protection against the tide is to build seawalls and dams.
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