Introduction T he journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the journey of a martial artist begins with a single thought—the decision to learn and train. The martial arts involve mental and emo- tional development, not just physical training, and therefore you can start your journey by reading and studying books. At the very beginning, you must decide which martial art is right for you, and reading these books will give you a full perspective and open this world up to you. If you are already a martial artist, books can elevate your training to new levels by reveal- ing techniques and aspects of history and pioneers that you might not have known about. The Mastering the Martial Arts book series will provide you with in- sights into the world of the most well-known martial arts along with several unique training categories. It will introduce you to the key pioneers of the martial arts and the leaders of the next generation. Martial arts have been around for thousands of years in all of the cultures of the world. However, until recently, the techniques, philosophies, and training methods were con- sidered valuable secretes and seldom revealed. With the globalization of the world, we now openly share the information and we are achieving new levels of knowledge and wisdom. I highly recommend these books to begin your journey or to discover new aspects of your own training.
Be well. – Adam James
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