A Sport and an Art
Judo is more than just a martial art; it is one of the most dynamic and spectacular of all the Olympic sports. Fighters attack with speed, agili- ty, power, and timing, flipping their opponents high into the air and then bringing them crashing down onto the judo mat. From there, they might roll their opponent into a hold, or force sub- mission using an armlock or a strangle. That is judo at its very best. Fast, fluent, and devastating, a momentary loss of concentration can be punished in the blink of an eye. Very few will become Olympic or world champions, however. For most people, judo is not a way down the road to glory—it is a way of life. The journey may not end with a gold medal, but it does bring great rewards, friendship, and pleasure. Judo is not an easy sport. It offers many different challenges, and is extremely physically demanding. Students learn dozens of different throwing techniques: opponents may be thrown to the front, to the rear, to the side, and even over the head. Then there are armlocks or strangles, which students learn to apply effectively, but with control, Judo is an Olympic sport, the roots of which are steeped in the traditions and history of a martial art. As it is more than just a sport, there is a great amount of respect and camaraderie between fighters—even at the highest level.
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