Step by Step Here is the process that MLB began using in 2014 to use instant replay during games.

After a play on the field, a team’s manager can challenge the ruling of the umpire. (This does not include balls and strikes.) The umpiring crew then begins communication with a replay official at the league office in New York. The replay official looks at video of the action and determines if the call was correct or not. He gives that information to the umpires at the game, who then tell the two teams and the fans. The decision of the replay official cannot be reviewed. Note: Each team starts with one challenge per game. If they make a successful chal- lenge, they get one more challenge in that game. If they are not successful, they do not have any more chances to request video review. Also, the umpire crew chief can ask for video review of a home run or foul ball call or any other call that he chooses.



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