Horn of Plenty: The United Mexican States
The ancient people of Mexico glorified nature and their gods through the temples they built. The Pyramid of the Sun, as well as many smaller pyramids, stands in the pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacán.
was over 20 million. This makes it one of the largest cities in the world. Mexico City is also, perhaps, one of the most majestic cities in the world. Mountains surround the city, and great volcanoes stand at its sides. The Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon are visible in the nearby distance. What’s more, it is the oldest and the highest city on the North American continent. Over 600 years old, it sits, as if atop a throne, at an elevation of 7,349 feet (2,267 meters). The ruins of an Aztec temple still stand in the center of the city. This busy metropolis is a city with a long, proud history.
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