The Food of Mexico
Timeline 250 B . C – A . D 750 Tamales are invented. 1325 Tenochtitlán is built.
1519 Aztecs honor Spanish conquistadors with a banquet. 1521 Spanish conquer Mexico. Roman Catholic missionaries bring new ingredients, recipes, and cooking methods. 1530 Spanish bring domestic cattle to Mexico and establish ranches. 1680s Spanish nuns create the Mexican national dish, molé poblano de guajolote . 1821 Mexico wins independence. 1863 French occupy Mexico. Breads and pastries become popular. 1867 French leave Mexico.
1859 First corn mill registered. 1890s Electric corn mills operate. 1899 First tortilla machine patented.
1902 First tortilla factory opens. 1910 Mexican Revolution begins. 1917 Mexican government divides private estates into small farms. 1940s Traditional dishes regain respectability as Mexican national cuisine. 1966 Frito-Lay begins to make tortilla chips.
1985 First McDonald’s opens in Mexico. 1990 Tortillas marketed in United States.
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