Mexico’s Central States
150 B . C . Teotihuacán is built. A . D . 750 Teotihuacán is abandoned.
900 Peak cultural growth of the Maya. 1200 Aztecs begin to conquer other tribes for control of Mexico. 1325 Aztecs build Tenochtitlán. 1521 Spanish take control of Mexico. 1810 Father Miguel Hidalgo calls for Mexico’s independence. 1821 Mexico wins its independence.
1854 Benito Juárez becomes president of Mexico. 1876 Porfirio Díaz begins his period of dictatorship.
1910–1921 The Mexican Revolution.
1968 Mexico hosts the Summer Olympic Games. 2000 Vicente Fox becomes president and vows to improve his nation’s economy and social inequality. 2005 The Mexican Congress impeaches Andrés Manuel López Obrador, mayor of Mexico City and the Federal District, but he is acquitted and returns to office. 2006 An Aztec altar and massive stone slab, each over 500 years old, are discovered in Mexico City’s Great Temple; Felipe Calderón, a native of Morelia, Michoacán, defeats López Obrador and becomes president of Mexico. 2008 Despite the efforts of Mexican law enforcement agencies, drug- related gang violence remains a major problem in states such as Michoacán and Morelos.
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