9781422286951 An Integrated Life of Fitness Core Workouts
Make Connections Core exercises can help keep your entire body strong. Core mus- cles and bones are connected to other parts of your body—your arms, legs, and neck. By strengthening your core muscles, you’re also doing a lot to help these other parts of the body as well. The best core workouts involve these other muscles that connect to the core muscles. You wouldn’t want to have a strong core and very weak legs!
about whatever is bothering you. Exercise even leads to the formation of new brain cells! Core exercises in particular target the muscles and bones in your torso. They make your muscles stronger and more stable, and keep your bones strong as well. Like all exercises, they also affect your lungs and heart, keeping both healthy. Core exercises are some of the most important activities you can do! FROM EXERCISE TO WORKOUT Core exercises are a little different from core workouts. Exercises are structured sets of repetitive movements. Exercises target particular muscles to make them stronger. Doing five sets of ten crunches is an example of a core exercise. Workouts are combinations of various exercises. Instead of just do- ing crunches, a person doing a core workout would include other core exercises like holding a plank pose, or balancing on a medicine ball. Altogether, the exercises make up a whole workout. You could do one exercise for the whole duration of a workout, but you’d probably get pretty bored. Also, it’s not always healthy to do one movement over and over again, because you might injure whatever par- ticular muscles you’re working on. You’re better off combining several exercises into a workout, so you’re strengthening multiple core muscles
What Are Core Workouts?
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