9781422286951 An Integrated Life of Fitness Core Workouts
trouble with everyday activities like climbing the stairs or walking a couple miles. Of course, some people take physical fitness even farther. They run marathons, they rock climb, and they play extreme sports. These people have gone beyond the levels of physical fitness necessary for normal life activities. They’re pushing their bodies to extremes. People achieve physical fitness either through exercise or just gen- eral physical activity. Some people have an active lifestyle. They do lots of movements as part of the ordinary things they do every day. Physical activity is any activity that involves significant movement. Reaching to grab the remote control for the TV is not physical activity, but running after little kids, yard work, walking around town, or swimming at the beach definitely is. Other people, though, have more sedentary life- styles. These people will need to make an effort to get exercise into their lives. Exercises are structured and deliberate movements. People who want to improve their physical fitness may go to the gym, go for a run, or go to a Pilates class. Physical activity is more general than exercise, but also contributes to fitness. The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports offers an even more in-depth definition of physical fitness that involves more factors than just the ability to healthfully and safely get through everyday ac- tivities. The Council includes things like bone integrity (strength), body composition (fat versus muscle), heart health, flexibility, muscle strength, agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, and more. Most people struggle in at least one form of fitness as defined by the Council, which doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not physically fit. Some people include mental and emotional fitness in overall fitness. Healthy thinking patterns and behaviors are an important part of living a healthy and fulfilling life. Physical, emotional, and mental fitness are all tied up with each other, so that a change in one may affect the oth- ers. For example, a very active person who gets a serious injury and must stop exercising might end up feeling depressed because she can’t do what she loves most.
The Benefits of Core Workouts
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