9781422286951 An Integrated Life of Fitness Core Workouts
Make Connections: Exercising Too Much There is def initely such a thing as exercising too much. Be- sides risk of injury, exercise can lead to too much weight loss and an unhealthy relationship with the body. A small set of people suffer from a disease called exercise bulimia, in which they need to exercise in order to burn lots and lots of calories because they think they’re fat. They don’t eat enough food to keep themselves going, and they can do real damage to their bodies. People with exercise bulimia suf- fer from a disease and need help to get healthy.
Especially at first, working out might be really hard. Again, pushing yourself too hard could end up in injury and get in the way of long-term workout success. Try every other day at first, and see how you do. If you feel great and want to do more, you can exercise for more days once you get the hang of your workouts. If you wake up one day and are just too tired or you feel too sore to work out, skip it. The same goes if you’re injured. People who are injured and exercise anyway aren’t
giving themselves time to heal. TALK TO AN EXPERT
A beginning exerciser doesn’t necessarily know the proper way to ex- ercise. Just like with other things you’ve learned—like writing, sports, or reading music—you can benefit from getting some guidance from more experienced practitioners . First, you may want to talk to your doctor before you start an exer- cise routine of any kind. People who are generally healthy already usu- ally have nothing to worry about. However, if you’re recovering from an injury or sickness, or if you have a medical condition that could get in the way of exercising, you should ask your doctor what she thinks. Your
Core Workout Equipment and Safety
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