Text-Dependent Questions 1. What sorts of core exercises would you need a f loor mat for? 2. Name two pieces of inexpensive equipment people can buy at home for core workouts. 3. Why should you start off slow when it comes to exercising for the f irst time? 4. According to this chapter, whom might you talk to before you start exercising? 5. What sorts of foods are and are not included in a healthy diet?
is happening when a person exercises but doesn’t eat more food. That person now needs more calories than before. But exercising isn’t a free pass for eating more junk food. You should choose healthy foods to add up to the extra calories you need when exercising. More junk food will just slow you down and won’t help your body be any healthier. More fruits, vegetables, and protein are the best way to give yourself the extra fuel you need. Water is also extremely important when exercising. In fact, water is every bit as important as food! Staying hydrated while working out will keep you going much longer than if you don’t drink any water. Dehydra- tion isn’t good for your body, and will keep you from performing your best while working out. Stick with water rather than sports drinks that have a lot of sugar in them. Water gets the job done without the extra sugar. Now all you need to do is start exercising! The first step, though, is to make a plan.
Core Workout Equipment and Safety
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