Core workouts, however, focus on the muscles in this part of your body, rather than the organs, bones, or other body systems. Core ex- ercises strengthen the core muscles. You use those core muscles every day, to bend over, to stand back up, to open the refrigerator, to get out of a chair. Most everyday movements involve the core to some extent. WHAT DOES EXERCISE DO, ANYWAY? We all know that exercise is good for us (even if we don’t exercise), but what’s less clear is what actually happens during exercise. When you move more, several things happen to the body. First, the lungs start taking in more oxygen, so breathing gets faster and deeper. Over time, exercise builds up lung capacity and the ability to take in oxygen. The heart also starts to beat faster and pump more blood. The muscles that are actually doing the exercise need more oxygen, so the lungs and heart work together to bring that oxygen to muscles throughout the body. The actual muscles doing the exercise work are moving more. They’re using up substances called glucose (basically sugar) and ATP (adenos- ine triphosphate). Glucose and ATP store and bring energy to muscles when they need it, so both get used up during exercise. The body needs oxygen to make more ATP when levels get low. Your bones and joints are also involved in exercise. When you’re exercising, you put a lot more pressure on your bones than you nor- mally do. You also put pressure on your joints, where your bones are connected to each other with tissue such as tendons and ligaments. The increased pressure builds up strength over time. When you’re exercising regularly, you may notice that you’re happier and can think better afterward. The increased blood flow in the body also reaches the brain, which helps it work better overall. The brain then releases chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmit- ters regulate our emotions. Exercise releases neurotransmitters called dopamine, serotonin, and more, which go along with positive emotions. That’s why exercise can improve your mood and help you feel better
What Are Core Workouts?
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