It may not be possible to prevent everything that could get in your way. Illnesses and accidents just happen sometimes. But there are some threats to fitness that can be prevented. And you can start now, while you are still young. Food choices can play a significant role in fitness now and in the future. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FIT? You might think you can tell if someone is fit just by looking at her. But there is more to being physically fit than just looking good. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), if someone is physically fit, she has the ability to perform activities. In other words, she can respond well to physically demanding situations, function well in emergencies, be in excellent health, and be able to resist disease and injury. Many experts say that physical fitness is made up of five things. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance is how our body uses its circulatory and respiratory systems to provide fuel during physical activity. Endurance is based on how efficiently the heart and lungs deliver oxygen through- out the body and how much energy is needed to for muscles to move your bones. The better your lungs and heart send oxygen throughout the body and the less energy needed to for the muscles’ movement, the better your fitness. To increase cardiorespiratory endurance, you should do things that safely cause an increase in heart rate for a sustained time. Swimming, brisk walking, jogging, playing tennis, and cycling are among the activities that will help increase cardiorespiratory endurance. And you
can have fun doing them! Muscular Strength
According to the USDHHS, muscular strength refers to the muscles’ ability to exert force during an activity. Resistance training is a good
Eating Right & Additional Supplements for Fitness
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