WRITING 10 Prose is basically writing that is not poetry. Prose is the sort of writ- ing you’re used to reading in novels or textbooks. It almost always fol- lows traditional grammar rules, and it’s mostly the words that convey meaning, rather than the structure of the writing. Poetry is written down in lines, sometimes with spaces between them, while prose runs on in large sections that are broken into paragraphs and larger sections such as chapters. WRITING SPECIALTIES Some writers do it all, but most have a specialty or two. They focus on a certain type of writing, and get really good at it. Artistic writers in- clude novelists, poets, short-story writers, songwriters, playwrights, and screenwriters. MUSICAL WRITING AS ART Most people consider music to be an art, but what about the lyrics—the words that go along with the music? Musical lyrics are art too, especially when they make us think about important topics like love, anger, social issues, and loss. Different genres of music focus on different topics. In some cases, lyrics are basically poems set to music. Lyrics can be stories, which is common in folk music . They can be thoughts and statements about love and letting go of love, like in a lot of pop music. They can be ways to transmit religious ideas, as in hymns and gospel music. Rap lyrics and hip-hop music can be thought of art too, since they’re used for more than just sharing information. Rap lyrics are often full of anger about the injustices and harsh realities of urban life, especially for blacks. At other times, though, rap is more celebratory and positive. Some rap is about surviving in the city, some is about becoming success- ful, and some is about fighting racism.
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