Chapter One
The Purpose of Wr iting
W riting has many uses in today’s world. In a single day, odds are good you write many, many times. You may write a note to your mom or dad to remind them you need a ride after a music rehearsal or sports practice you have later in the day. You might write down data collected from an experiment in science class, entries in your phone or planner about homework assignments, and an essay for English class. You might text your friends about how you’re feeling about your day, whether frustrated, excited, or disappointed. Some of these writing activities might be done electronically on a phone or computer, while others are handwritten with pen and paper—but they all involve words. The different writing you do during the day also has varied uses. Your note to your mom or dad communicated a task you wanted done, while your data collection was meant for record keeping and scientific discovery. Your texts to your friends express your emotions.
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