9781422287231 Twitter®: How Jack Dorsey Changed the Way We Communicate


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Public Offering (IPO), but quickly jumped in price to $45 because of Twit- ter’s popularity. Lots of people were buying shares! Jack owns more than 23 million shares on his own, which gives him over one billion dollars just from Twitter! Despite Jack’s immense success, he doesn’t let his money get to his head. One of his biggest pieces of advice to young entrepreneurs is this: “The strongest thing you can cultivate as an entrepreneur is to not rely on luck but cultivating an ability to recognize fortunate situations when they are occurring.” By paying attention to his surroundings, Jack was able to come up with ideas that would be very useful in the world but were not yet avail- able. Making these ideas available before anyone else beat him to the punch is what brought him so much success. Getting there, however, was not always easy. In 2012, he released a list of rules for success. They are:

• Don’t be a jerk. • Don’t take anyone for granted. • Enjoy the moment. • Be honest, always. • Be humble. • Be kind. • Respect people’s wishes. • Allow endings. • Fail openly. • Have an amazing haircut.

Jack teaches his employees to see the world through his eyes by bring- ing them out into the real world to look at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. He explained in an interview that people do not think of the bridge’s function when they are using it. But, when they gaze at it from afar, they admire how beautiful it is and how easily it gets its job done.

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