9781422287231 Twitter®: How Jack Dorsey Changed the Way We Communicate



application: A program that runs on a computer or smartphone. People often call these “apps.”

bug: A problem with how a program runs.

byte: A unit of information stored on a computer. One byte is equal to eight digits of binary code—that’s eight 1s or 0s. cloud: Data and apps that are stored on the Internet instead of on your own computer or smartphone are said to be “in the cloud.”

data: Information stored on a computer.

debug: Find the problems with an app or program and fix them.

device: Your computer, smartphone, or other piece of technology. De- vices can often access the Internet and run apps.

digital: Having to do with computers or stored on a computer.

hardware: The physical part of a computer. The hardware is made up of the parts you can see and touch.

memory: Somewhere that a computer stores information that it is using.

media: Short for multimedia, it’s the entertainment or information that can be stored on a computer. Examples of media include music, vid- eos, and e-books.

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