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Make Connections Steve Chen became a Google employee after Google acquired YouTube, which is how he met his future wife. Park Ji-hyun, now known as Jamie Chen, was working at Google as a Korea product marketing manager when she met Steve. They married in 2009 and moved to Tunbridge Wells in the United Kingdom a year later. They have two children now, one son and one daughter.

If we didn’t have Google Search, YouTube would not be doing as well as it’s doing to be able to find that piece of content that you’re finding,” he said. According to Steve, it would have been impossible for him to accom- plish as much as Google did with YouTube, so it made more sense to sell the startup to a larger, more capable company. “All these things, we just couldn’t do with the sixty-eight-person team that we had,” he concluded. Most of the team were relieved when the company was sold. Steve believes the next step in YouTube’s path will be moving more and more to mobile devices. As smartphones become more common and data plans more affordable, it is becoming much easier to watch YouTube videos on the go. “YouTube itself has always been a perfect dance partner with mobile and for a few reasons. One of them is the type of content that you watch on YouTube,” he explained. Most You- Tube videos are very short and don’t require much time investment at all, making it the perfect way to stay entertained while using a mobile device.

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