The images of Confederate generals can be seen on the granite face of Stone Mountain. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum worked on this project from 1923 to 1925. A few years later, Borglum would put the techniques and skills for large-scale monument carving that he had developed at Stone Mountain to use on a new task: carving the heads of four of America’s greatest presidents onto Mount Rushmore. Where Dreams Begin
W here does a grand scheme begin? What prompts the building of towers and monu- ments, dams and castles, cathedrals and temples that pepper the entire earth, on every continent? There is only one place where that can begin: in the mind and heart of the human being. Animals don’t build large monuments or construct their image in art. Mother Nature submits no business plan for its international growth and development. Only man builds on such a large scale and for reasons beyond the basic need of food, shelter, and clothing. Only man builds monuments to reflect a spirit, an ideal, or a dream. And only man does so to serve as a reminder to present and future generations of the values held dear by the people who constructed the monument.
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