What Are Envy & Jeal ousy?
Invidia is the Latin word for envy. Early Christians used a snake to symbolize this “deadly” emotion.
you really have what it takes to be happy and secure . Neither of these emotions are good feelings. When it comes to emotions, those internal feelings that shape so much of our lives, envy and jealousy are on the painful, negative list. ENVY: THE EMOTION THAT MAKE US MISERABLE The word “envy” comes from a very old Latin word that originally had to do with casting an evil eye on someone. Today, envy still has to do with looking at someone else—and then feeling something ugly in response to what we see. Psychologists have found that envy tends to be a destructive emotion. It makes peo- ple less happy with their lives and themselves. It can make them depressed and angry. It hurts both the people who are envied
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