O n a Saturday morning, Lisa and her sister Amy both get out of bed and look out their bedroom window. The sky is covered with clouds, and Amy groans. “Oh no, it’s going to rain! They’ll have to cancel the softball game today.” Lisa shakes her head. “No, they won’t. It’s just cloudy. It’s not raining. Besides, the game isn’t for another three hours. By then maybe the sun will have come out.” Two hours later, as the two sisters get dressed in their uniforms, the sun hasn’t come out, but it’s not raining either. “See,” Lisa says, “I told you they wouldn’t have to cancel the game.” As the girls’ mom drives them to softball field, Amy’s cell phone rings. It’s their friend Jessica, saying she’s come down with a stom- ach virus and she’s not going to be able to play today. As Amy puts her phone back in her backpack, she’s clearly W hat A re O ptimism & S elf -C onfidence ?
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