We use language to help us sort out the various ways we feel this emotion. Here are some of the words used to describe differ- ent types of sadness. • Agony: This word describes a very powerful sadness or pain. • Anguish: Similar to agony, anguish is an intense emo- tional pain. • Dejection: Feeling dejected means you feel crushed emo- tionally. You may experience this feeling when you are not being accepted or appreciated. • Discouragement: This describes the feelings that go along with failure. After you’ve tried something and failed, especially if you’ve tried and failed several times, you may feel as though you’ll never be able to succeed. You want to give up. Your self-confidence has gone down. • Dismay: Dismay is a form of sadness that often occurs when something unexpected happens. It can include feel- ings of shock and disappointment. • Distraught : Someone who is distraught is very upset. She may scream, sob, or be out of control in some other way. • Distress: This can describe any sort of uncomfortable emotional experience. It can include anxiety and sadness. • Grief: Grief is a deep, powerful feeling of sadness that comes after a major loss in life, such as after someone has died.
What I s Sadnes s?
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