W hat A re S tress and T ension ?
J enna stared at her planner. She had two big papers due this week, one in history and one in English class. Her final exams for both science and math classes were this week too. And on top of all that, she had to get ready for her mom’s birth- day party on Saturday— plus her aunt and uncle and her little cousins would be visiting for the next few days. Jenna was good at writing papers, and she was pretty sure she could get at least a B on math test, and probably an A on her science exam. She was excited about throwing her mom a birthday party, and she loved spending time with her relatives, especially her cute little cousins. So why did she feel so desperate and overwhelmed as she looked at the week ahead? “You’ll be fine,” her best friend Abby told her. “You’re just stressed out. Relax! By next week, it will all be over and you’ll be feeling great.”
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