The Basics of Rope craft 13

Turn: describes the placing of a rope around a specific object, with the running end continuing in the opposite direction to the standing part. Underhand turn or loop: made when the running end passes under the standing part. Choosing the right knot It is important for a soldier to select the right knot for the right task. The knots listed in this chapter will be invaluable in a survival situation. The soldier must

practice tying them, and remember to learn to untie them too. Knots must always have the following qualities: • Easy to tie and untie. • Easy to tie in the middle of a length of rope. • Able to be tied when the rope is under tension, and be tied so that the rope will not cut itself when under strain. Reef knot (Fig A) This is the same as the square knot (see next page), but can also be tied by making a bight in the end of one rope and feeding the running end of the other rope through and around this bight. The running end of the second rope is threaded from the standing part of the bight. If this action is reversed, the resulting knot will have its

Reef knots were traditionally used to tie up sails.

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