Make Connections: MILITARY UNIFORM
A jacket is vital for troops because it forms their outer shell, and so it must be windproof and waterproof. A covered zipper prevents the wind and wet from entering. It is also a backup if the zipper fails. The jacket should have a deep hood, large enough to let the soldier wear a helmet or beret. The jacket will come up to the lower part of the face. The sleeves cover the hands and the jacket will have wrist fasteners. It should also be big enough to let the soldier wear a number of layers underneath. (This also promotes the flow of air in warm weather.) The jacket would also have at least two pockets on the outside with waterproof flaps and one inside that can hold a map. Troops wear olive green or camouflage jackets. This makes it difficult for the enemy to see them. A soldier’s uniform has many functions: it must help regulate body heat, provide rapid access to the various tools and supplies of war, and provide protection against dangerous weapons. A large part of a soldier’s ability to function effectively is dictated by the uniform he or she wears. Camouflage is very important. A soldier fighting in the desert will need to wear sandy colored clothing to blend into the background; similarly, jungle-based troops will need to wear dark green.
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