10 survival first aid

Research Project Look at the list of basic first aid items a solder takes on page 11. Are there any that you don’t know anything

about? Or are there any that interest you more than the others? Choose three of these items and write them down. Now go online and look up everything you can about each of the items. What are their main uses? Can they be used for more than just first aid?

clean water sources? What type of surfaces will we be crossing? What are the patterns of sunrise/sunset? What are the most extreme possibilities for daytime/nighttime temperatures? First-aid kit Every member of the elite forces, whether they are in the British Special Air Service (SAS), the U.S. Special Forces, or U.S. Marine Corps carries a first-aid kit. The following is a guide to some of the basic items they take. Their packs will vary depending on which region they are visiting, either tropical, desert, or arctic, but essentially they will contain:

A survival first-aid kit showing some of the items that an elite soldier carries, including a scalpel, plasters, scissors, and bandages.

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