Make Connections: CARING FOR YOUR BOOTs
Gloves and hat Finally, complete your clothing with a good pair of gloves and a hat. Both should be made of thermal material. The hat is especially important, as much of your body heat is lost through your head in cold weather. Pick something that covers your scalp, ears, forehead, and the back of your neck. One that stands up from the top of your head can be good as the space traps warm air. All of this clothing is designed to protect you if the weather drops cold. This tends to be the most serious in wilderness settings. If weather gets hot, then there is usually plenty of shelter, and water is often easy to find in woodland, mountainous, or hilly regions. Also, you can take clothes off if you are too • Stuff wet boots with newspaper and dry them in a warm, airy place. Do not dry themover a fire. This will bake and then crack the leather. • Your boots should be of a size that lets you wear two or three pairs of socks underneath. • Socks that are too tight will restrict the blood flowing to your feet. This can lead to frozen feet. • Always carry a spare pair of socks. • Whenever feet get wet, change socks as quickly as possible. When they have to march on foot, often over long distances, soldiers have good rules for the care of their boots.
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