RESEARCH PROJECT Not every plant grows in every place in the world. The text gives several examples of plants that provide protein. Use the Internet to research where some of these plants grow. Choose one nut, one seed, and one type of bean. You may choose the examples given in the text or come up with your own examples. What conditions do these plants need to grow? Which countries grow them the most? Do any of them grow where you live? If so, do some additional research to find out if there is a farm near you that grows the plant.
whole animal. Someone cut the animal into pieces to sell. For example, a chicken is cut into drumsticks, thighs, wings, and breasts . Even the giblets (organs like the heart and liver) are saved and packaged. Many people eat them or use them to make gravy. You’ll find the cuts of meat packaged in the grocery store. You don’t usually see an en- tire cow or pig in the store! Even the whole chickens you can buy don’t have heads, feet, or feathers.
Not every part of the animal can be eaten. Any part that can’t be served as food, like a chicken’s head and feathers, is usually removed before it is sold.
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