Dwight jumps for the ball at the start of a 2011 Magics game against the Golden State Warriors.
chance! He reaches up and easily grabs the ball, slamming it into the basket. His team has just scored 2 points. The game ends with the West team beating the East team by just 5 points. Dwight and his teammates scored 143 points to win the 2013 All-Star Game. A rebound is when a player catches the ball after it has bounced off a basket or after an opponent scores. When a player stops an opponent from scoring by knocking the ball out of the way, it is known as a block. Dwight is an expert at rebounds and blocks. In fact, he scored more rebounds than any person in the 2013 All-Star Game! Dwight has also led the league in average rebounds and blocks for several years in a row. The key to winning a game is keeping control of the ball. Players who catch a rebound are able to pass it to their teammates. In a 2006 interview, Dwight spoke about the impor- tance of rebounds: “Rebounding is fun,” he began. “I’d much rather have thirty rebounds
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