Rajon and his brother played a lot of board games and sports as kids. The two learned about what it means to compete against others while still getting along.
Battleship. Sometimes, neighborhood kids would visit to play these games with the Rondo family. Even though Amber wasn’t home very often, she did have strict rules for her children. They were allowed to play outside, but they needed to come home the second the street- lights turned on. Amber would not allow them to go out at night. Schoolwork was also very important. Amber made sure Rajon did his homework and stayed active in school. The Rondos went to church regularly and visited other family members often. Supporting her children’s love for sports was very important to Amber. She drove her children to prac- tice and went to every game she could. William is four years older than Rajon. The two brothers were very close while they were growing up. Rajon learned a lot from William. William helped Rajon with his schoolwork
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