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I t’s the sixth game of the 2008 NBA Finals. Rajon Rondo is tired, but he isn’t slowing down. He has a game to win. The Boston Celtics are competing in the NBA Finals for the first time since 1987. They have not won a championship since 1986. If Boston wins this game, the team will become the NBA champions. Rajon sees an opponent with the ball and moves close to him. He ducks and reaches out his arms quick. Bam! Rajon smacks the ball from his opponent’s hands and dribbles it down the court. Rajon runs up to the basket as though he is going to score but passes the ball to his teammate. Ray Allen catches the ball and jumps up before shooting it from the three-point line. The ball swishes through the net, and the crowd cheers! Every basketball player has his strengths. Rajon is best known for his assists and steals. On this play, he earned both a steal and an assist. Taking the ball away from an opponent earned him a steal. Passing the ball to Ray, who scored, gave him an assist. Pulling off a great play like this requires a lot of teamwork. The best teams in the NBA have players who work well together, just like Rajon and Ray. Rajon stole the ball, dribbled it down the
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