Words t o Unders t and
conformis t s : People who adjust their activities, man- ner, dress, behavior, etc., to be like that of the ma- jority of other people. spect rum: An array or distribution of characteristics. self -es t eem: One’s feeling toward and estimation of oneself.
suicidal: Desiring or seeking to kill oneself. homicidal: Desiring or seeking to kill another person. psychot ic: Having a distorted sense of reality often accompanied by acute anxiety and paranoia. chronic: Lasting for a long time or recurring. obses s ive-compuls ive disorder: A psychiatric disorder character- ized by anxiety, fixation on unwanted feelings and thoughts, the performance of personal rituals—repetitive hand washing for example—and the inability to control these feelings, thoughts, and actions. schizophrenia: A psychiatric disorder characterized by psychotic behavior in which a person is unable to tell the difference be- tween reality and delusion, has illogical thoughts, and suffers from hallucinations. cognit ive therapy : Psychiatric therapy that focuses on exploring (usually through talking) a person’s mental processes such as thought, reasoning, judgment and behavior, and then working to change those processes. provocat ion: Something that encourages or drives a person to perform an action. indicat ive: Indicating. A sign or clue of something else.
f at igue: A feeling of weariness or exhaustion. t repidat ion: A sense of fear or apprehension.
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